7.1. Technical support regulations

To quickly solve simple issues and efficiently solve more complex, we have divided the technical support service into several lines. Initially, you can only contact the first line. If the issue cannot be resolved by the first line, the request is sent to the second, and if it cannot be resolved by the second, it is redirected to the administrators.

The appeal is initially written in the online chat and only if the issue cannot be quickly resolved, it is transferred to a ticket and goes to the second line of the technical support service. If the second line of technical support is not able to solve the problem, then the request is forwarded to the hosting administrators. The further the question goes, the longer it will take to resolve, since complex questions accumulate on the second line of technical support. According to statistics, 85% of issues are resolved when contacting the first line of technical support.

A separate line of technical support is a consulting center that handles calls by phone. In the telephone mode, consultations are provided on services, accounting documents, the use of the control panel. If the phone call goes beyond the consultation, the call center employee will recommend contacting the online chat.

In order for a technical support request to be resolved as quickly and efficiently as possible, when contacting, it is necessary to briefly and clearly state the problem, and also describe how it can be reproduced. A well-written appeal is one that does not need to be asked additional questions to resolve. An example of mishandling: "My site does not work", An example of correct handling is"When you visit the website page www.mysite.com/page/, the server returns a 403 error».

  1. The online chat and ticket system works around the clock, including weekends and holidays.
  2. The call center is open from 09:00 to 21:00 on weekdays and weekends.
  1. Customer technical support is carried out on the basis of contacting the online chat with pre-authorization... Applications via other channels (phone, e-mail, etc.) are not official and are advisory in nature.
  2. Appeals are processed in the order in which they are received. The response time depends on the complexity of the problem and the degree of workload of technical support.
  3. The term for providing a response by technical support should not exceed one hour. If it takes more time to resolve the issue, the technical support employee describes the reason why it is impossible to respond in time, and reports the estimated time for the response.
  4. Answers to frequently asked or standard questions can be provided in the form of links to the corresponding page from our wiki.
  5. If you have any complaints about the work of technical support, you can file a complaint with the hosting management by e-mail support@hostiquant.com. The letter must describe the essence of the claim and indicate the number of the call to technical support with which there were problems. The response to the complaint must be issued no later than three working days after the submission of the complaint.

The responsibilities of technical support include:

  • Respond to problems in the operation of hosting services: Apache, MySQL, FTP, SSH, mail.
  • Advise clients on how to work with the hosting control panel.
  • Notify clients about scheduled maintenance on servers.

The responsibilities of technical support do not include:

  • Make changes to the code of client sites and the content of databases, analyze the performance of scripts hosted on the hosting. These tasks are the responsibility of the site developers.
  • Install and configure scripts and programs even if the client is unable to customize them.
  • Perform actions for the client that he can do himself through the hosting control panel.
  • Provide technical support to people who are not clients of the company.
  • Configure hosting servers according to the client's personal requirements (with the exception of those settings that the user can independently change in the hosting control panel). If the hosting capabilities are not enough for the client, he can purchase VPS or dedicated server.
  • Configure software on the client's computer, even over the phone.
  • To teach how to work with a computer and programs, programming, look for errors in programs and on clients' websites.
  1. Before contacting technical support, study the available information on the issue in the wiki. If the problem is similar to the situation described in any of the articles, but requires additional explanation, when contacting, provide a link to the article.
  2. Prepare the question, think it over. You will get superficial answers to superficial questions.
  3. Ask meaningful, specific questions, and describe the problem accurately and in detail. Describe the symptoms of the problem you find carefully.
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