Important points:
The certificate is sent in the form of a document signed by EDS through the service Hourly or Paperless.
The certificate is issued in the name of the current owner of the account in which the domain is located, and not in the name of the one who is indicated in contacts of this domain.
Domain must be present at least once paid from the account of its current owner.
Help is provided only in Ukrainian.
Domain inquiries are paid.
There can be only one domain in the help. If you need help for several domains, you need to order help for each of them separately.
We provide certificates confirming the ownership of the domain. Sometimes, such certificates can be requested by banks when activating the acceptance of card payments on the site or when selling a domain, when you need to prove that the domain belongs to you.
What is indicated in the help
The current date.
Domain name.
Owner data:
For .UA domains - data of the owner of the trademark on the basis of which the domain was registered.
For other domains - data of the owner of the account in which the domain is located.
Open the section " Domains ».
In the domain menu, click " Certificate order »:
Fill out the form and click " Pay XXX UAH »:
« Document management system "- select the service through which you want to get help: ( Hourly or Paperless).
« Email in the document management system »- specify the mail that your account is registered with in the selected service.
« INN »(Only for Vchasno) - your TIN.
After submitting the completed form, an invoice will be generated to pay for the certificate for the domain.
Pay created score and expect to sign the certificate with the EDS of the company TOV "Hosting Ukraine" within 48 hours.