4.21. Download site from VPS

There are several ways to download a website from the server:

  • FTP - setting to FTP-servers and downloading files to PC.
  • SFTP - downloading files to a PC without additional settings.
  • SCP - copying files directly to another server without downloading files to a PC.
  • rsync - copying files directly to another server without downloading files to a PC.

Important points:

  • When working with FTP or SFTP data will be downloaded to the device, thereby there is a possibility of file corruption when transferring from device to device, as their integrity or encoding may be violated, which can lead to great inconvenience in the future.
  • FTP works faster than SFTP or SCP (without compression)... When transferring a large number of files, it will be noticeably faster to upload or download data.
  • FTP less secure than SFTP, SCP, or rsync. It is highly discouraged to use it on public networks.
  • SCP (using compression) and rsync is much faster FTP or SFTP, since data is transferred directly between servers without intermediaries. This transfer is faster and more secure in terms of the integrity of the copied files.
  • rsync is many times faster and more flexible than SCP, but it is quite difficult to create commands and it is better to use SCP for everyday tasks.
To download files using FTP, you need to configure FTP-server on VPS. To do this, you can use, for example, ProFTPd:
  1. Install ProFTPd on a VPS.
  2. Connect to the server using any FTPclientusing the data of the user configured in ProFTPd.
  3. Go to the directory where the site is hosted (most often this will be the directory /var/www/).
  4. Download all the files you need.
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