8.2 What's new in the updated offer?

  • We have outlined in more detail some unacceptable situations in which we have the right to refuse to provide services to the Client (fraudulent and other illegal actions endangering the safety of other clients of the company and the safety of the company), identified responsibility for violators of the law.
  • Set the foundation for our Privacy Policy to be updated to comply with the requirements of the European Personal Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
  • We tried to concretize and clarify some of the terms found in the Agreement, which we use when communicating with our Clients.
  • In accordance with the requirements of the registry operator of the .UA domain zone, we have implemented for registrants of second-level domain names in the .UA domain zone the procedures of the “Unified policy for resolving disputes in the field of domain names in the .UA domain” (the possibility of resolving disputes under the UDRP procedure) and assumed obligations comply with the decisions of the bodies authorized to consider disputes regarding the registration of the use of domain names under the UDRP procedure.
  • Clarified the obligations of the Subscriber to the Contractor when receiving requests from third parties.
  • We determined the rights of the Contractor at its discretion to determine the content of the materials of the sites for compliance with the legislation of Ukraine.
  • Clarified the amount of the Contractor's responsibility to the Subscriber.
  • Established liability for damage caused by the illegal use of the domain name to third parties.
  • We have settled some provisions regarding the procedure for considering claims and disputes.
  • We have clarified the terms of the Subscriber to the response to the administrative request of the Contractor.

The contract in the form of a public offer comes into force on 10.07.2021.

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مقالات مربوطه

8.1 Copyright infringement

I have a trademark, I want to myself all the domains in which it is mentioned There are often...